Legends Of Aria Server Download

Legends of Aria, formerly known as Shards Online, is a moddable online sandbox MMORPG which is heavily inspired by games like Ultima Online.Legends of Aria breaks away from the typical modern MMO conventions of levels, classes, and nonstop quest grinds, and instead focuses on creation of a living, open world where stories emerge naturally as players explore and adventure. Jul 26, 2019  MMOHuts Weekly Recap #370 July 26th - Legends of Aria, Crowfall, Switchblade & More! Weekly Gaming News summary for the week of July 26th (July 19th. A Legends of Aria server (both official and community run) are comprised of a collection of world regions. These regions (game worlds/maps) are connected together using our ‘Cluster’ technology. Once connected, players can use portals, both static and dynamically created, to travel between them.

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In Legends of Aria there are various commands that can be used for numerous activities and actions. There are special commands for each type of player character.

  • 1Player commands

Player commands[edit | edit source]

Being a simple mortal you are limited to just some basic commands which make playing a little easier.

  • /bugreport - send a bug report to owners
  • /checkfaction <faction internal name> - gets the faction level for a given faction
  • /clock - opens a window that shows the time
  • /custom - shows the custom command window for creating customhotbar actions
  • /deletechar - deletes the currently logged in character, your character needs to be at least 7 days old.
  • /groupautoloot - toggles between shared loot between party members or not
  • /help - lists all available commands
    • help <command_name> - provides detailed information about a specific command
  • /hunger - displays your current hunger status
  • /loyalty - shows the loyalty reward window which allows you to redeem account reward points
  • /quest - shows questing window
  • /stats - prints out the player's stats
  • /time - gets the current game time
  • /title - shows the title window
  • /where - Alpha 0.4.6 prints out the current Map Name and the x, y, z and 'Facing' coordinates into the players chat window.
  • /where - prints the player's location on the map
  • /resetwindowpos - Resets the location of open containers ( Backpack etc)
  • /useresource - will use the resource requiring a target, is case sensitive example: /useresource Bandage

Social[edit | edit source]

  • /g - sends a guild message
  • /groupchat - Sends a group message ('/gr' and '/p' also work)
  • /guild - opens the guild window
  • /say - chat command for saying something
  • /tell <name|id> - sends a private message to another player (Currently not enabled on official servers. As in Ultima Online, tells are disabled to combat spam and to promote social gameplay. [citation needed])

Emotes[edit | edit source]

  • /angry
  • /bashful
  • /bow
  • /buttslap
  • /cheer
  • /clapping
  • /dance - your character starts dancing wildly
    • /dance_bellydance
    • /dance_cabbagepatch
    • /dance_chickendance
    • /dance_gangamstyle
    • /dance_guitarsolo
    • /dance_headbang
    • /dance_hiphop
    • /dance_macarena
    • /dance_raisetheroof
    • /dance_robot
    • /dance_runningman
    • /dance_twist
  • /dismiss_one
  • /dismiss_two
  • /embarassed
  • /excited_one
  • /excited_two
  • /fistpump
  • /flipthebird
  • /happy
  • /loser
  • /no_one
  • /no_two
  • /point
  • /really
  • /sad
  • /salute
  • /shakefist
  • /showingoff
  • /stretch
  • /sword_in_ground
  • /thinking
  • /throatslash
  • /throatslash_two
  • /tired
  • /wave - your character waves
  • /whatever
  • /yes_one
  • /yes_two

Custom commands[edit | edit source]

Legends of aria community servers

Players can create custom commands to use on the hotbar. To create a custom command, follow these steps:

Legends Of Aria Wiki

  1. Type /custom and press enter.
  2. Type in a command to execute, i.e. 'stretch' to use the /stretch command.
  3. Select an icon to use and drag it to the hotbar.
  4. To create a new command, repeat the steps above.

Test server commands[edit | edit source]

  • /create - access to weapons/armor/spells/blueprints/resources
  • /deco - access the decorate window when on a house plot
  • /jump - get a cursor for a location to jump to
  • /template <warrior|rogue|mage|hybrid> <beginner|veteran|expert> - set skills and stats to match the specified template and level
  • /setskill <skill_name> <value> [<target_id>] - set individual skills

Demigod commands[edit | edit source]

When playing a Demigod character you get access to additional commands that are not available to a normal player. With these commands you can create items, resurrect players, etc.

Here is a list of commands that are currently available in pre-alpha1:

  • .s create <templateid> - Create object from given Object Template. Partial matches are accepted. If more than one match is found it will return a list of matches.
  • .s where - get current location
  • .s goto <x> <y (optional)> <z> - jump to specified location
  • /who - list all players on server
  • /whod - list all players in dialog box
  • /ressurect - ressurect player (does not work on npcs yet)
  • /heal - heal target
  • /cloak - toggle cloaked
  • /scale <number> - change your size by the number multiplier
  • /slay - kill monster
  • /nuke <all> - slay everything in a 10 unit radius (all includes players)
  • /template <warrior|rogue|mage|hybrid> <beginner|veteran|expert> - set skills and stats for a given template
  • /stat <hp|mana|sta|str|agi|int> <value> <target (optional)> - set a given stat
  • /skill <skill> <value> <target (optional)> - set a given skill level
  • /coins <amount> - create a coin purse in your backpack
  • /jump - teleport around (escape to cancel)
  • /playSound <sound> - play a given sound effect
  • /playAnim <animation> - play a given animation
  • /playEffect <effectName> - play a given particle effect
  • /destroy - destroy targeted object (escape to cancel)
  • /bcast <message> - broadcast a message to everyone on the server
  • /teleportto <player> - teleport to given player
  • /teleportplayer <player> - teleport player to you
  • /fireworks - play fireworks display from preview weekend

Object templates[edit | edit source]

Legends of aria server

New World Mmo

Legends Of Aria Community Servers

Here is a list of things that can be created with the .s create command:

  • bed_small
  • bridge_door
  • bridge_door_switch
  • campfire
  • carpet_cloth
  • random_rock
  • table_wooden
  • teleporter_blue
  • teleporter_green
  • teleporter_red
  • tudor_door
  • tudor_house
  • vs_earth_shrine
  • vs_fire_shrine
  • vs_water_shrine
  • well
  • backpack
  • cultist_chest
  • cultist_chest_bloodencrusted
  • cultist_legs
  • cultist_legs_bloodencrusted
  • leather_chest_cured
  • leather_chest_tanned
  • leather_chest_worn
  • leather_helm_cured
  • leather_helm_tanned
  • leather_helm_worn
  • leather_legs_cured
  • leather_legs_tanned
  • leather_legs_worn
  • merchant_clothing_chest
  • merchant_clothing_legs
  • padded_chest_arcane
  • padded_chest_earth
  • padded_chest_fire
  • padded_chest_sewn
  • padded_chest_water
  • padded_helm_arcane
  • padded_helm_sewn
  • padded_legs_arcane
  • padded_legs_earth
  • padded_legs_fire
  • padded_legs_sewn
  • padded_legs_water
  • plate_chest_champion
  • plate_chest_guardian
  • plate_chest_guardian_earth
  • plate_chest_guardian_fire
  • plate_chest_guardian_water
  • plate_helm_champion
  • plate_helm_guardian
  • plate_helm_guardian_earth
  • plate_helm_guardian_fire
  • plate_helm_guardian_water
  • plate_legs_champion
  • plate_legs_guardian
  • plate_legs_guardian_earth
  • plate_legs_guardian_fire
  • plate_legs_guardian_water
  • shield_buckler_bloodencrusted
  • shield_buckler_crude
  • shield_buckler_finesteel
  • shield_buckler_rusty
  • shield_large_earth
  • shield_large_fire
  • shield_large_guardian
  • shield_large_water
  • tool_mining_pick
  • torch
  • weapon_battleaxe_crude
  • weapon_dagger_crude
  • weapon_dagger_finesteel
  • weapon_dagger_sacrificial
  • weapon_dagger_silver
  • weapon_gladius
  • weapon_gladius_silver
  • weapon_glaive
  • weapon_glaive_silver
  • weapon_greathammer_bloodencrusted
  • weapon_greathammer_crude
  • weapon_greathammer_silver
  • weapon_longsword_crude
  • weapon_longsword_finesteel
  • weapon_longsword_rusty
  • weapon_longsword_silver
  • weapon_long_spear_finesteel
  • weapon_long_spear_silver
  • weapon_maul_bloodencrusted
  • weapon_maul_crude
  • weapon_maul_finesteel
  • weapon_maul_silver
  • weapon_rapier_finesteel
  • weapon_rapier_silver
  • backpacks_treasurechest
  • bandages
  • chest_rustyweapons
  • coin_purse
  • crate_empty
  • crate_open_empty
  • cultist_relic
  • enhancement_station
  • fireball_scroll
  • hunting_knife
  • key
  • lightning_scroll
  • meat_ancient_bear
  • meat_bear
  • meat_deer
  • meat_rabbit
  • player_head
  • potion_health
  • potion_mana
  • potion_refresh
  • potion_stamina
  • randomloot_treasurechest
  • scroll_cloak
  • scroll_cloak_enhanced
  • scroll_fireball
  • scroll_fireball_enhanced
  • scroll_heal
  • scroll_heal_enhanced
  • scroll_lightning
  • scroll_lightning_enhanced
  • scroll_teleport
  • scroll_teleport_enhanced
  • skill_bashing
  • skill_blocking
  • skill_channeling
  • skill_channelling
  • skill_dodge
  • skill_endurance
  • skill_magic_affinity
  • skill_piercing
  • skill_regeneration
  • skill_slashing
  • test_house_placement
  • test_packed_bed
  • test_packed_carpet
  • test_packed_table
  • tool_general
  • tool_whetstone
  • treasurechest
  • treasurechest_cultistcamp_easy
  • treasurechest_cultistcamp_hard
  • treasurechest_cultistcamp_medium
  • workbench_enhancement
  • ancient_bear
  • bear
  • bear_cub
  • cultist_boss_archmage
  • cultist_boss_weaponmaster
  • cultist_mage_apprentice
  • cultist_mage_devout
  • cultist_warrior_rookie
  • cultist_warrior_veteran
  • deer
  • deer_big
  • dog
  • guard_patrol
  • guard_stationed
  • neutral_merchant
  • noble_npc
  • rabbit
  • temp_pvp_control
  • vs_earth_warchief
  • vs_fire_warchief
  • vs_pvp_avatar_earth
  • vs_pvp_avatar_fire
  • vs_pvp_avatar_water
  • vs_pvp_creep
  • vs_pvp_creep_earth
  • vs_pvp_creep_fire
  • vs_pvp_creep_water
  • vs_pvp_mage
  • vs_pvp_mage_earth
  • vs_pvp_mage_fire
  • vs_pvp_mage_water
  • vs_water_warchief
  • cultist_camp
  • farm_scene
  • petra_town_controller
  • simple_mob_spawner
  • vs_avatar_respawner
  • vs_cultist_camp_spawner
  • vs_earth_creep_spawner
  • vs_fire_creep_spawner
  • vs_spawn_controller
  • vs_water_creep_spawner

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